Where We’re Heading: Subsequent “Breaches & Fraud” + ‘EMV’ Chip Technology

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

Subsequent “breaches & fraud” + ‘EMV’ chip technology will be the norm. Been to ANY store lately? New computers (Toshiba usually) have new card readers that officially accept CHIP technology. (If you can’t see the difference, ask the teller/cashier about “new readers.”)

If you haven’t noticed the MASSIVE overhaul, read the following before you shop again, so you can realize this for yourself. It may seem like the next logical step to prevent fraud…but eventually & inevitably the truest way to prevent fraud will be as noted in Revelation:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads – Revelation 13:16

India already possesses this technology & has successfully implanted people. As of 2014 US-India Defense Trade & Technology Initiative (DTTI) has been established. To reiterate, “Trade & Technology” as we will possess this technology & it will be “the next level of fraud prevention.” I converted the PDF explaining this issue to JPEG so you can see the biochip tech for yourself here: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/370690319777321

“Whether on a chip card or other form factors such as” – the mark. These are excerpts from the aforementioned links:
Canada – Canada’s transition to EMV chip & PIN, following the European example & leading the way for other markets. Whether on a chip card, or other form factors such as a mobile phone, chip technology offers an innovative barrier to counterfeit fraud.

USA – Following security breaches at Target as well as other retail chains, it has been announced that the more secure chip & pin technology in credit cards will be issued.
Indeed with the United States being the last major market not using the number and microchip based system, Target CFO John Mulligan said the company is accelerating its own $100 million program to replace their cards with the European alternative in order to stop massive fraud which have become prevalent across the 50 states.

October 2015: The End of the Swipe-and-Sign Credit Card

Visa and MasterCard Set Deadline for Chip and PIN Credit Cards

Bill Gates Says the Government Needs to Be Able to ‘See’ Digital Currency Transactions

Some w/in the government, in particular, have worried such transactions could help support terrorists (officially known as extremists) financially. “Governments for most transactions will want attributions,” Gates said. “The idea of a system where you can’t see, ‘Is that drug money?’ ‘Is that terrorist money?’ ‘Should that be taxed?’ You’re going to have some tension between the attributed systems like credit cards & debit card systems where there’s actually a record of who’s engaging & the purely anonymous 1s…The 1 I see getting us to critical mass along w/the government regulatory support we need is where it’s attributed, where we can see who actually did this transaction,” Gates said.

See Matthew 24:9 – you will be hated & persecuted & they will call you an “extremist.” Be warned. Be ready.

View full post at: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/371888706324149

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