Currency Processing & Destruction: All Your Eggs In One Basket

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

Uncurrent currency is destroyed subsequent new currency. You should know that Coin-operated slot machines have mostly been phased out of American casinos in the past several years. Now, you are required to show ID whenever you redeem the points on your Vegas player’s card. The casinos want to ensure that no 1 else is using your card. Translation = winnings are now deposited into a card connected to your identity (i.e. no access to hard currency).
You should know that as of this year California has legalized “funny money” or digital currency “bit-coin.”

You should know that other countries have legalized this funny money worldwide as well. []
You should know that Ecuador has heralded a digital economy (formerly the American Dollar) & other nations will follow suit.
You should know that Egypt has issued cards w/implanted “smart chips” or RFID Chips (leads to huamn GPS) into food cards for its public.
You should know that subsequent to a plethora of breaches, the Government has implanted “smart chips/RFID” in our bank cards, which coincidentally the FDA has already deemed these chips implantable into the human body.
For more information regarding 2014-2015 security breaches, please go to the following link:
You should know that wherever you shop there are “new card readers” (don’t believe me, just ask) to coincide w/new laws.
You should know that “since the bailout,” the government has officiated control over all banks (e.g. Glass Steagall Act, also implemented right before The Great Depression); Too Big To Fail-Obama Administration are some examples.
You should know that immigrants (formerly untraceable for lack of documentation) as of this year can now obtain drivers licenses (thereby making them officially traceable) per Obama Administration. Obama care is also subterfuge as licenses are to immigrants.
Gradual implementation of a unified “mark” under the guise of offering citizens identity fraud protection.

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. – Revelation 13:17

FACT: Section 31 U.S.C. 5103, United States coins & currency (including Federal reserve notes & circulating notes of Federal reserve banks & national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes & dues. Before they can fully transition to the “new form of payment that secures your identity” (i.e. The mark of the beast), they have to destroy all hard currency & stop circulation. However, until then, your currency per Section 31 U.S.C. 5103 is legal tender until it is phased out.

What am I saying? Do not keep all your legal tender in 1 basket. Typo* All your eggs in 1 bank. Typo* All your eggs in 1 basket. Personally, I prefer the smaller eggs that require lesser change. “Keep the change.” $1, $5, $10, $20 & $100 denomination bills will be just as uncommon as the $2 bill.

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