Phone Lets You Text Smells to Your Friends

Article By: Amy Kraft

“…Harvard professor David Edwards and his former student Rachel Field are already testing out a device that does just that. Edwards, founder of the Paris-based art and science lab Le Laboratoire, and Field created the oPhone, a device that transmits scents via an iPhone application. “Smell triggers a more direct cerebral response than visual and auditory signals,” Edwards said recently at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, inviting me to test my schnoz by inhaling near two cylindrical receivers he had set up. He transmitted a smell from his iPad and seconds later, the scent of chocolate chip walnut cookies filled my nostrils. The oPhone starts with an app called oSnap, which allows users to create scents called oNotes by mixing 32 basic aromas (depicted as photographs) to generate nearly 300,000 possible scents. Data from the created smells is then delivered to an oPhone that is equipped with aroma chips from which it can recreate the smell and emit it via two cylindrical receivers. The hope is to eventually integrate the technology of these cylinders into a handheld device that people can easily carry around.”

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