‘Happy Hour’ Comet Leaves Trail of Alcohol & Sugar Across Solar System

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

‘Happy Hour’ Comet Leaves Trail of Alcohol & Sugar Across Solar System – Scientists have found a comet that can get you ‘drunk.’ COMET WITH A KICK- Scientists: Heavenly body is alcohol-making machine.

Sugar & Alcohol in Comet…sounds bitter.
* Check Out: http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/1/9/e1500863
* http://m.phys.org/news/2015-10-unexpected-discovery-comet-alcohol-sugar.html

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts – 2 Peter 3:3

“If there’s a party going on in outer space, you may want to have it on comet Lovejoy, which has earned the nickname of the “happy hour” comet bc it’s leaving behind a trail of alcohol & sugar in its journey through the solar system, according to scientists.”

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. – Matthew 24:37-39

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. – Luke 17:28-30

This is your rain of fire; this is your brimstone from heaven [https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/461431547369864]

Just wait for this ‘alcohol-making heavenly body’ to fall upon the rivers & upon the fountains of waters:

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. – Revelation 8:10-11 [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+8%3A10-11&version=KJV]

Bitter water symptoms – that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot… – Numbers 5:23-28

Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD: They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. – Proverbs 1:24-33

View full post at: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/462190853960600

Guys, Lots of Signals From Space Seem Like Aliens

Article By: Katie Palmer

LAST WEEK, ASTRONOMERS—AMATEUR & pro—got excited about some strange results from the Kepler Space Telescope, the NASA observatory tasked w/searching for Earth-like planets. As those planets orbit their own distant suns, periodically blocking light from Kepler’s view, the telescope documents the flickers. But over the last several years, it has picked up a strange pattern of blips from 1 star in particular, KIC 8462852.

Light from that star dramatically plunges in irregular intervals — not the consistent pattern you’d expect from an orbiting planet. But what could possibly cause such a thing? Gotta be aliens, right? Clearly someone — something — has assembled a megastructure around its sun, like that hollow Celestial head in Guardians of the Galaxy. Or maybe it’s a solar array, collecting energy-giving radiation & preventing light from reaching NASA’s telescope.

This, of course, is almost certainly poppycock. When you’re searching the vast expanse of space, lots of things look like they could be signs of extraterrestrial life. Astronomical observers are constantly looking for tiny glimmers of information in the mess of noise that streams through space toward Earth, & often, things that at 1st look like signals end up being mirages. This has all happened before; it will all happen again. For example:

In 1967, astronomer Jocelyn Bell was monitoring signals from the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, trying to analyze the behavior of quasars, energy-spewing regions surrounding supermassive black holes w/in distant galaxies. What she found, though, was a series of regular pulses, always from the same part of the sky, that she labeled LGM-1: Little Green Men. Soon, though, she found similar signals coming from another part of the sky & realized that she wasn’t seeing messages from 2 different alien civilizations: It was radiation from a spinning, magnetized neutron star — the 1st measured pulsar.

On August 15, 1977, a volunteer astronomer named Jerry Ehman picked up an interesting signal while he was going through the logs of the Big Ear Radio Observatory at Ohio Wesleyan University. He noticed a burst of activity, lasting 72 seconds, in the 1420 MHz wave band — a frequency banned from Earth-bound use, & impossible to generate w/out a transmitter of some sort. (It’s called the Wow! signal, after a note Ehman made on the printout of the data.) The radio waves came from the direction of the Sagittarius constellation, but repeated efforts to listen into the signal again failed — leading many to believe that the signal must have come from Earth & reflected off of something in space. To be fair, no 1 ever figured out what the signal was…but no 1 ever saw it again, & the observation was after-the-fact. Maybe it was just a bug. (Or Bug-Eyed Monsters! But probably not.)

Sparks at Parkes
In 1998, astronomers at the 64-meter Parkes radio telescope in Australia started noticing mysterious radio signals called perytons—unexplained, millisecond-long bursts. The researchers there didn’t immediately cry alien, though; they could tell that the radio signals were terrestrial in origin bc they showed up across the entire spectrum monitored by the telescope. They didn’t know until this year, however, exactly where those emissions came from: a microwave oven on the observatory’s campus, which released a short, powerful radio signal when staffers opened its door in the middle of heating. (See? It’s a cookbook!)

Excitable Exoplanets
As planetary scientists continue to discover exoplanets, they’re also stumbling across a subset that could—based on spectral signatures, size & distance from their respective suns—foster life. In 2010, 1 Australian astronomer made the mental leap to intelligent life, claiming to have seen a suspicious pulse of light coming from the direction of the 1st potentially-habitable exoplanet Gliese 581g. But he had noted the signal 2 years before & only reported his observations after the planet was discovered — a case of confirmation bias if there ever was 1.

View full article at: http://www.wired.com/2015/10/guys-lots-of-signals-from-space-seem-like-aliens/

NASA’s Kepler Telescope Discovers a Colossal Artificial Structure Orbiting a Star in Our Vicinity

Article By: UfoHolic.com

NASA’s Kepler Telescope has stumbled upon 1 of the most fascinating discoveries so far – a colossal artificial megastructure believed to have been constructed by an advanced alien civilization.

Besides Kepler’s ability of finding small, rocky worlds orbiting distant stars, it can also detect different space phenomenon like stellar flares, star spots & dusty planetary rings. This time however, Kepler detected the signal of a supposed vast artificial structure orbiting a star only 1,500 light years away from Earth. After finishing all plausible explanations, scientists now believe that this complex structure might be an artificial construction made by an advanced alien civilization way up on the Kardashev scale of comparison.

This megastructure works like a supersized solar array orbiting around its host star, stocking the energy & sending it back to the source. The size of the structure is so grand that it’s blocking a considerable fraction of starlight as it spins around its host.

Normally all the exoplanets discovered by Kepler have a typical planet-shape, meaning they are round. This time however, the telescope detected something that isn’t round & behaves unnatural. A paper has been submitted to the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in which a particular star named KIC 8462852 is described.

“Over the duration of the Kepler mission, KIC 8462852 was observed to undergo irregulary shaped, aperiodic dips in flux down to below the 20% level. We’d never seen anything like this star, it was really weird. We thought it might be bad data or movement on the spacecraft, but everything checked out.” – Tabetha Boyajian, researcher at Yale University

Studies mostly focused on 2 interesting anomalies at KIC 8462852, 1 that was recorded between days 788 & 795 of the Kepler mission & between days 1510 to 1570. The 1st event showed a single transit causing a star brightness drop-off of 15%, while the 2nd event manifested as a burst of several transits, possibly indicating towards mass of different objects, resulting in a brightness dip of up to 22%. For such a major dip in brightness to occur, the transiting objects have to be extremely big.

Considering that our galaxy has existed for more than 13 billion years, it’s not hard to imagine that an alien civilization may be out there, possessing technology that allows them to build megastructures around stars.

“Aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider, but this looked like something you would expect an alien civilization to build.” – Jason Wright, astronomer from Penn State University

After analyzing all possible situations, scientists concluded that this strange anomaly might be the result of a group of dormant comets recently disturbed by a nearby star. Bc this theory is not all that convincing, other researchers are already hypothesizing the possibility of a mega-engineered project created by a Type 2 alien civilization on the Kardashev scale.

This type of aliens would have the ability to use all the available energy radiating from a star. W/the help of a vast shell or series of rings surrounding a star, a Dyson sphere-like structure could be constructed. This would block out the star from sight in visible wavelengths, but once the solar energy has been utilized by the alien civilization, the energy would be shifted to longer wavelengths & probably lost as infrared radiation.

Puzzled by these strange recordings, scientists are now trying to point a radio antenna at KIC 8462852 in order to solve the riddle. By doing so, they will be able to detect any artificial radio signals coming from the star & will determine whether or not an intelligent, Type 2 civilization exists in our vicinity, only 1,500 light-years away.

Meanwhile, a 2nd paper is being drafted by top researchers in order to analyze the transit scenario focusing around the possibility of a colossal artificial device engineered by advanced aliens.

View full article at: http://ufoholic.com/nasas-kepler-telescope-discovers-a-colossal-artificial-structure-orbiting-a-star-in-our-vicinity/

Global warming will probably sharply increase your chances of being struck by lightning

Article By: Peter Weber

Add this to the things to worry about from a warming planet: Late Thursday, researchers reported in the journal Science that they’ve discovered a formula to estimate the prevalence of lightning strikes, & lightning will rise sharply if global warming goes unchecked.

If global temperatures rise 7 degrees F this century, lightning strikes in the U.S. will likely rise by 50%, estimate David Romps, a U.C. Berkeley atmospheric scientist, & his team. While a 50% increase is the most likely #, their model’s forecast ranges from a 14% jump to a 90% spike. Hotter air charges the atmosphere & changes its chemistry, raising the odds of lightning strikes by about 12% per degree of rise, the report suggests.

The increased lightning would start more forest fires, but also probably “kill more people directly, although lightning causes well under a 100 deaths a year in this country,” The New York Times notes. If temperatures rise 7 degrees though, humans will have more than lightning strikes to worry about, The Times adds: Recent reports have warned that an increase that high would likely be devastating to the food supply, & would lead to the long-term melting of the ice sheets in Greenland & West Antarctica, causing a rise of the sea that would probably exceed 30 feet over centuries & could flood the world’s major coastal cities.

View full article at: http://theweek.com/speedreads/index/271983/speedreads-global-warming-will-probably-sharply-increase-your-chances-of-being-struck-by-lightning

Alien conspiracy theorists think the government is on the verge of spilling big secrets

Article By: Marc Ambinder

For as long as I’ve been reading about alien conspiracies, it’s been an accepted article of faith among believers that the government was the enemy of the people & was conspiring w/an alien race, or simply w/other governments in our world, to keep evidence of a sentient extraterrestrial presence hidden.

This big secret will be revealed in 2015, if the chatter on shows like Coast-to-Coast AM is any indication. Why? Well, the “Grays” — the name given to the aliens who either conspire w/the government to keep their presence hidden or are on the verge of attacking the Earth — have somehow given an ultimatum to their human co-conspirators. Maybe it’s time to move humanity into the next phase of their existence. Maybe humans are battering the planet so badly that the Grays, who need the milk of the Earth to survive, are in peril. If humans fail to disclose the Grays’ existence, then the Grays will make themselves known by, perhaps, a global television event that shows off their gravity-defying hardware.

1/3 to 1/2 of Americans give real credence to the possibility that aliens exist & are living among us. That’s 80 million to 100 million adults. They don’t just think that alien DNA might have helped spark life on Earth, or that life exists elsewhere in the universe. They believe in the conspiracy. We treat them as ninnies w/tin-foil hats & bumper stickers. But they are all of us! I would not believe that a sentient alien life-form had visited the Earth even if I were to meet an alien face-to-face. I trust in my own eyes, in my own fallible, pattern-seeking brain, quite a bit less than I do the laws of science & the record of empiricism. However, humans believe in weird things for all sorts of reasons. Based on data points alone, it should be much easier to believe in the existence of ETs than it is to believe in creationism, & yet…My interest in the UFO community is motivated by entertainment, yes, but also by professional curiosity.

The government is broadly unpopular. Americans see it lurch along, indifferent to their concerns, unable to figure out how to really enhance their lives, redistributing resources according to popular whims, too subservient to the interests that bankroll the politicians who run it. It is incapable of orchestrating major policy changes w/out significant hiccups. Whistle-blowers w/incontrovertible evidence of government misdeed talk to The Washington Post, to Congress, or to Laura Poitras.

UFO believers hold 2 opposing beliefs. 1 is that the government we all know is but a projected shadow on the cave. The real government, the deep state, controls the world & remains hidden. The other is that this government, all powerful & capable of keeping an alien conspiracy from coming out, is not all powerful & not capable of keeping an alien conspiracy from coming out. They’ve got witnesses; 500 military, intelligence, credentialed witnesses who can testify to some part of the conspiracy. (Canada’s former defense minister!)

The shift from paranoia to optimism w/in the UFO community might represent a new strategy to gain public acceptance. UFO sightings go viral & are debunked just as quickly; perhaps, the believers believe, it’s time to use the same tactics that successful political campaigns use to get the real media to pay attention, & to begin to seriously pressure political leaders to come clean. (Whether the media is part of the conspiracy itself is…well, I can’t tell you.) And look: The disclosure of alien life would truly change the world overnight. Big conflicts would seem irrelevant. It would be much easier to tackle global problems if humans were forced to think of themselves as members of a single planet.

The scientists who search for extraterrestrial intelligence do not believe that aliens have visited Earth. They think that we might pick up unambiguous evidence of the existence of another civilization someday. 2 vastly different belief architectures both agree on this: “Disclosure” or discovery would change everything. I remain skeptical. But it’s fun to think about.

View full article at: http://theweek.com/article/index/271791/alien-conspiracy-theorists-think-the-government-is-on-the-verge-of-spilling-big-secrets

Are We Alone in the Universe?

“For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” – Matthew 24:24

This question has been pondered by some of the world’s greatest philosophers & scientists alike throughout the centuries with no concrete conclusion being agreed upon. Today, even with the numerous technologies available to us, we are still unable to confirm or deny the existence of other world beings. Despite conspiracy theories & evolutionary debates, the possibility remains questionable. With that said, I have recently observed a notable increase in the number of potential ‘alien’ evidence being discovered as per the examples outlined below. I leave it to you to make your own conclusions BUT humbly suggest that you consider from whom this information may be coming from.

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9

(1) Classic ray gun spotted on Mars by NASA rover (Video)
   Article By: Tom Rose
A truly bizarre object has been spotted on Mars by the Curiosity rover which exactly resembles a classic “ray gun” from science fiction. What is it? In a YouTube video uploaded on Nov. 11, the object can be clearly seen standing out from other debris in the photo taken by the rover earlier this year…What makes this finding more credible is a link to the original Mars Curiosity rover photo, taken & published by NASA, which can be checked & indeed, the ray gun shaped object is clearly visible, so there’s no photographic trickery going on. That’s the major complaint from Mars watchers who may want to believe the Red Planet either once supported life, or still does. Alien life & UFO video hoaxes have become more frequent lately, as it seems the world just can’t get enough of these stories. In this case, it seems well justified.

(2) Curiosity Rover images Show Ball of Light Moving on Mars Surface
Article By: Michael Salla
The 8 images taken by the Rover’s left & right front Hazcams show the ball of light in 4 different positions from 2 slightly different perspectives. The 8 images are available at the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) website which is hosted by NASA/JPL…What is the moving ball of light? 1 natural explanation is ball lightning which is associated w/lightning storms on Earth. The Rover images show the same ball of light over a 15 mins period on what appears to be a clear Martian day w/out any signs of a dust storm. This suggests the moving light ball is not ball lighting. If not a natural phenomenon nor a camera anomaly, then the next explanation is that the light ball is artificial in origin. 1 possibility is that the light ball is an intelligently guided unmanned drone belonging to a technologically advanced society based somewhere on Mars. Balls of light have been filmed on Earth creating crop circles. This suggests that it is possible that the Mars light ball can have a # of purposes in addition to the obvious 1 of surveillance. Another explanation is that the light ball is some kind of indigenous intelligence roaming the Martian surface. The Curiosity Rover images are compelling evidence of a form of alien technology or consciousness discovered on the surface of Mars. Both explanations are indicative of life on Mars. If so, why did NASA not announce such an important discovery to the general public? This raises the disturbing conclusion that NASA is not in the business of finding life on Mars, but of covering it up.

(3) Mystery Signal from Rosetta Comet Confirmed
Article By: Michael Salla
The European Space Agency (ESA) today confirmed that it was receiving a mysterious signal from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In a post on its live streaming website, it described the signal as a “mystery song” & uploaded a recording w/the caption: “Hear our comet sing.” The confirmation follows months of rumors that the Rosetta mission was originally sent to explore a radio signal from the comet 1st detected 20 years ago. The November 12 landing of the Rosetta mission’s Philae probe will be live streamed to the world. The ESA’s surprise announcement hints that the significance of the landing may go well beyond the historic 1st of humanity landing a probe on a comet.

(4) UFO Discovered Collecting Energy of Sun on NASA Live Feed
Article By: Michael Salla
Over a 4 day period up to November 9, NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) detected a strange area near the sun where solar activity was apparently being deflected or absorbed by an invisible object. According to 2 independent solar researchers in videos uploaded to Youtube on November 9, the affected area was due to a giant shield created by a UFO to protect itself from the sun’s energy. An alternative explanation is that the immense spherical lens shaped field was part of an advanced technology based on the principle of a “Dyson Sphere.”…Either the sun’s energy is being deflected back from the region by a “UFO shield” or absorbed by a giant lens of tremendous size – dwarfing the sun in comparison.

According to Freeman Dyson, a celebrated astrophysicist, a Type II extraterrestrial civilization would have the advanced technology to harness solar activity on a grand scale. A Dyson sphere, for example, could be constructed around a sun to collect solar energy in ways similar to how humanity harnesses hydro power, through water channels & dams. While a Dyson Sphere is theorized to be big enough to encircle a sun, similar principles could be used for a giant “Rawlemon Generator” type solar collector where a spherical glass lens could be pointed towards a sun. This can be best described as a “Dyson Lens.”

In an earlier live NASA streaming incident from August 2014 involving the STEREO A satellite, a UFO w/an apparent spherical lens trailing behind it, is moving past the orbit of Venus. The UFO appears to be using the lens, which is approximately 4x the diameter of Venus, to absorb the sun’s energy over a 6 day period from August 3 – 9. The August incident provides stunning video evidence of what appears to be a “Dyson Lens” being used by a UFO belonging to a Type II extraterrestrial civilization. It supports the evidence that the object captured by SOHO over the August 6-9 period is in fact a highly advanced solar collector as much as 5x the sun’s diameter.

Over the last decade, live streaming from NASA & other national space agencies has provided remarkable evidence that we are not alone in the universe. UFOs have been regularly photographed & filmed in close proximity to the International Space Station, Moon, Mars & other celestial bodies, Rarely, however, has live streaming video captured evidence that answers the question, how advanced is the technology used by UFOs? Do we now have compelling data to answer this question? Is the answer much more than we ever bargained for, & preparing us to think in much bigger terms w/our future inevitably leading to contact?

(5) Statue of Elongated Head Identified by NASA in Mars Rover Photo
Article By: Michael Salla
1 of Mars rovers photographed what appears to be a stone statue of an elongated head on the Martian surface which, surprisingly, NASA had identified as an anomaly of interest. NASA had pointed out the apparent head statue along w/other stone anomalies w/different color arrows…This makes it difficult to dismiss Waring’s conclusion that the photo is powerful evidence of a past civilization on Mars… NASA JPL photo analysts had concluded that the apparent statue of a head was likely a rock that had been created either from a meteor impact or ancient volcanic activity. Another possible explanation, not mentioned by NASA JPL, is that the stone anomaly was part of a larger statue that had been carved during a past Martian civilization & subsequently destroyed during cataclysmic events.

Curiously, the apparent stone head photographed by the Pathfinder Mission appears to be elongated. In a photo taken by the Curiosity Rover Mission on September 14, 2014, an apparent elongated human skull was found on Mars. Was the ancient civilization on Mars populated by people w/elongated skulls? If so, there may be a connection w/elongated human skull artifacts found in ancient Egypt & South America.

It’s surprising that NASA’s JPL website would bring attention to the stone anomaly w/an arrow. Perhaps some1 in NASA’s JPL wanted to alert the public to the anomaly, whose clarity is very suggestive that it was artificially created by an ancient race of Martians w/elongated skulls.

Cosmic 1st: Spacecraft sends lander toward comet

Article By: Frank Jordans

Hundreds of millions of miles from Earth, a European spacecraft released a lander toward the icy, dusty surface of a speeding comet Wednesday, setting off a 7-hour countdown to an audacious attempt to answer some big questions about the origin of the universe. Due to the vast distances involved & the time delays in receiving data, confirmation of a landing should reach Earth about 1603 GMT (11:03 a.m. EST).

Scientists have likened the trillion or so comets in our solar system to time capsules that are virtually unchanged since the earliest moments of the universe. “By studying 1 in enormous detail, we can hope to unlock the puzzle of all of the others,” said Mark McCaughrean, a senior scientific adviser to the mission.

Philae was supposed to drift down to the comet & latch on using harpoons & ice screws. ESA announced hours before the release that a 3rd component — an active descent system that uses thrust to prevent the lander from bouncing off the surface of the low-gravity comet — could not be activated. It wasn’t clear how big of a setback that was. During the descent, scientists are powerless to do anything but watch bc the vast distance to Earth — 500 million kilometers (311 million miles) — makes it impossible to send instructions in real time. It takes more than 28 mins for a command to reach Rosetta.

Rosetta, which was launched in 2004, had to slingshot 3 times around Earth & once around Mars before it could work up enough speed to chase down the comet, which it reached in August. Rosetta & the comet have been traveling in tandem ever since. If the lander’s mission is successful, Rosetta & Philae plan to accompany the comet as it hurtles past the sun & becomes increasingly active in the rising temps. Using 21 different instruments, the twin spacecraft will collect data that scientists hope will help explain the origins & evolution of celestial bodies, & maybe even life on Earth.

Tantalizingly, the mission will also give researchers the opportunity to test the theory that comets brought organic matter & water to Earth billions of years ago, said Klim Churyumov, 1 of the 2 astronomers who discovered the comet in 1969. The European Space Agency says even if Philae’s landing doesn’t succeed, the 1.3 billion-euro ($1.6 billion) mission won’t be a failure bc Rosetta will be able to perform about 80% of the scientific mission on its own.

View full article at: http://news.yahoo.com/scientists-set-historic-comet-landing-attempt-072512433.html

Surgeons Perform 1st Successful ‘Dead Heart’ Transplant

Article By: Haroon Siddique

A team at St. Vincent’s hospital in Sydney, Australia, announced on Friday that they had successfully transplanted hearts which had stopped beating for 20 mins into 3 patients. 2 of the patients have reportedly recovered well, while a 3rd is still in intensive care. The procedure was made possible thanks to the development of a solution that keeps the submerged hearts preserved & a circuit that attaches to the organs to keep them beating & warm. The procedure could save the lives of 30% more heart transplant patients.

View full article at: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2014/oct/24/dead-hearts-transplanted-into-living-patients

Largest Sunspot in Decades is Pointed Right at Earth

Article By:Meghan DeMaria

Scientists have detected the largest sunspot region in more than 20 years & it’s aiming solar flares toward Earth. The solar flares from the sunspot could eventually turn into a solar storm & create a coronal mass ejection (CME), which could cause auroras & disrupt Earth’s power grids. The sunspot cluster in question, AR12192, is “the largest sunspot group since November of 1990,” Dough Biesecker, a researcher at the National Weather Service Space Weather Prediction Center, told The Washington Post.

AR12192 is approximately the size of Jupiter — more than 80,000 miles wide — & is being observed by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. It has recently released 2 X-class solar flares, which caused temporary power blackouts. Observatories are now monitoring the sunspot region for further activity & to determine whether the sunspot region may release more solar flares.

Sunspot clusters, dark patches in the sun’s photosphere that are cooler than other regions of the sun, are visible on the sun’s surface & have active regions of solar magnetism. The largest sunspot ever detected was seen in 1947 & was 3 times the size of AR12192.

View full article at: http://theweek.com/speedreads/index/270563/speedreads-the-largest-sunspot-in-decades-is-pointed-right-at-earth

Also check out: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/wp/2014/10/23/largest-sunspot-in-more-than-20-years-facing-earth/?tid=pm_local_pop

Scientists Excavate Ancient Submerged Cities for Clues to Our Fate

Article By: Zachary Slobig

W/new research showing sea levels at their highest in 6,000 years, archaeologists are investigating the submerged ruins of early human settlements for hints to their destiny &our own. The emerging field of continental shelf prehistoric research, spurred by developments in remote sensing & ocean exploration technology, combines archaeology, geosciences & oceanography to discover & analyze those now-underwater communities. Much of the activity is centered in Europe, where some 2,500 sites have been located, most of them remaining unmapped or excavated, according to a new paper by the European Marine Board. Europe was 40% larger 20,000 years ago & was the site of early human settlements. Clues to their social structure, technology, & perhaps most important, response to sea level change, now all lie beneath the waves. “If you go back 100,000 years, sea level change was about 1 meter in 100 years,” said Nicholas Flemming, a marine archaeologist at the University of Southampton & lead author of the report. “You would have noticed it. You would remember your grandfather telling you where the coast was when he was a boy.”

Around 5,000 years ago, human settlements began to get larger & more complex & the footprint of those villages can be traced away from shorelines. “You can see as the sea level comes up how villages were abandoned & people built a mile further from the shore,” said Flemming. “In the southern Baltic you see that clearly, & also on the coast of Israel.”

Our own coastal cities are not as portable, though. Some cities have begun to implement managed retreat practices that place infrastructure away from rising seas, but most low-lying coastlines remain at risk. “We’re infinitely more sensitive to changes of sea level than the early Mesolithic or Paleolithic people,” said Flemming. “They lost a bit of hunting ground or fishing banks, but if we see a meter rise of the sea we lose houses of Parliament & half of Tokyo. A meter to us means an awful lot.”

Marcy Rockman, the climate change adaptation coordinator for cultural resources w/the National Park Service in the US, points out that submerged sites on the U.S. coast, though far fewer than those in Europe, can also tell us how the earliest Americans reacted to changes in sea level. Several promising sites on the southernmost tip of Florida await analysis, & she suspects the Gulf of Mexico may also be rich in submerged archaeological settlements. “So often when I hear about ‘resilience’ in climate change, the thought is ‘Well, we’ll get through it—we’ll bounce back,’ ” said Rockman. “But when you add in the evidence of physical anthropology, it’s clear that it was not w/out a cost. We must recognize the physical trauma & what stress are we willing to bear needs to be part of the question.” Flemming says it’s no great mystery how humans who lived w/rising seas reacted—they retreated. “We have to calculate the repercussions of the present situation in terms of how much real estate, capital, & population is located w/in a few meters of sea level,” he said. “We must ask what are we prepared to do to modify the rate of change in climate & rate of change in sea level?”

View full article at: http://news.yahoo.com/scientists-excavate-ancient-submerged-cities-clues-fate-sea-152654140.html