Yellow fever is killing howler monkeys in Brazil

Article By: Shreya Dasgupta

The deadly yellow fever — an infectious disease caused by a mosquito-borne virus — has spread rapidly throughout Brazil, wiping out populations of the brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba). Thousands of monkeys are believed to have died across the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo in Brazil.

One of the worst affected areas is a private, federally protected reserve called RPPN Feliciana Miguel Abdala (RPPN-FMA), located in Caratinga, Minas Gerais. Once home to hundreds of howler monkeys, the forest no longer reverberates with the animals’ guttural roars.

Karen Strier, a professor of anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an associate conservation scientist at the Global Wildlife Conservation, has been studying the monkeys of RPPN-FMA since 1983. When she returned to the reserve in January 2017, she found that howler monkeys had disappeared from large parts of the forest.

“It was apparent very quickly that the howler monkeys were scarce, because some groups that frequent parts of the forest we would normally see while driving the two kilometers [1.24 miles] from the main road into the Reserve and the research house were silent,” Strier said in an email. “We had heard about the yellow fever outbreak, so we were paying attention and anxious. But I think it is fair to say that none of us were fully prepared for the silence that we found.”

Brown howler monkeys are extremely susceptible to yellow fever, researchers say. An outbreak can even cause local extinctions, especially if the surviving populations of the monkeys are too small to recover. In 2008, for example, an outbreak of yellow fever killed most individuals of a small population of brown howler monkeys in Argentina.

The RPPN-FMA reserve could suffer a similar fate. The last census in 2003 estimated about 500 brown howler monkeys in the forest. Now, only a small fraction of these survive, the researchers say. Strier and her colleagues will have a more accurate estimate once they complete their surveys in a few weeks.

The speed with which the virus is spreading is very surprising, said Sergio Mendes, a professor of animal biology at the Federal University of Espírito Santo.

“I am very surprised at the speed with which the outbreak is advancing through the landscape and by how the virus can jump from one patch of forest to another, even if they are hundreds of meters apart,” Mendes said. “It is also surprising that it is spreading across such a large geographic region.”

But the monkeys are most likely not the culprits.

“We don’t have definitive answers, but we believe that contaminated mosquitoes can be carried from one forest to another by wind,” Mendes said. “Another hypothesis is the role of humans carrying the virus between more distant forests. Most humans are asymptomatic for yellow fever, but may have viruses circulating in their blood for a few days. For example, if people who has been contaminated travels from one forest to another, they may carry the virus in their blood and, if bitten by a mosquito from the forest, may introduce the virus into a new area. In addition, we can transport contaminated mosquitoes from one forest to another involuntarily in our cars and luggage. It is very important that people understand that the monkeys are not responsible for yellow fever,” Strier added. “Many of my colleagues are working hard to make sure this message is communicated to the public.”

Researchers like Strier and Mendes are also worried about another species of primate in the reserve: the muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus), sometimes referred to as the “hippie” monkey for its easygoing lifestyle. Listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List, the monkey is one of the most threatened primates in the world. The RPPN-FMS reserve has about 340 northern muriqui, representing one-third of the species’ total population.

Fortunately, the muriquis seem less susceptible to yellow fever than the howler monkeys. And with the howler monkeys disappearing from the reserve, the muriquis now occupy a forest devoid of their main competitors.

“We don’t know what this means yet for the muriquis,” Strier said. “It may give them more opportunities if there is more food available to them. Or it may be problematic because the forest could undergo changes without a major seed dispersing species. These are important questions that we are pursuing in new research.”

The current outbreak is also being touted as one of Brazil’s worst outbreak among humans in decades. As of March, officials have recorded more than 320 human cases of yellow fever, including 220 deaths, the Washington Post reported. Several additional cases are under investigation.

“The most effective way to prevent human deaths due to yellow fever is vaccination,” Strier said. “Unfortunately, we don’t have a way to vaccinate the nonhuman primates.”

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CDC Still Stumped by Mystery Zika Case in Utah

…and pestilences in various places – Luke 21:11


More information on a mysterious case of Zika infection in Utah has come to light, health officials said today.Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention examined the case of a Utah man who contracted a Zika infection although he was not exposed through a mosquito or sexual transmission. Their findings were published today in the CDC’s Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report.

The man had been caring for an elderly family member who contracted the virus while abroad in June. The elderly patient was extremely ill & developed septic shock, according to the CDC. Further testing found his levels of virus were

“approximately 100,000 times higher than the average level reported in persons infected w/Zika virus,” according to the report.

The elderly patient died on June 25, & less than a week later, the family member started to exhibit symptoms of the virus, even though he had not traveled to an area w/Zika transmission. After a thorough investigation, health officials remained unsure how the virus spread.

The Zika virus is known to spread through mosquito bites, sexual contact & blood transfusions. But none of those means of transmission were documented in this case.

“Patient A was known to have had close contact (i.e., kissing & hugging) w/the index patient while the index patient’s viral load was found to be very high,” CDC researchers said in the report. “Although it is not certain that these types of close contact were the source of transmission, family contacts should be aware that blood & body fluids of severely ill patients might be infectious.”

Now CDC officials are investigating whether bodily fluids in some patients w/extremely high levels of the Zika virus could transmit it in a way not previously documented.

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Fears of bubonic plague outbreak as Siberian boy fights Black Death

Article By: Léa Surugue


A 10-year-old boy is fighting for his life in a hospital in Siberia after contracting the bubonic plague while skinning a marmot. 1000s of vaccines are being rushed to the remote Kosh-Agach district in the Altai Mountains to prevent the ‘Black Death’ from spreading further.

The young boy had been on a hunting expedition w/his grandfather & cut himself w/the knife he was using on the animal. He is now in a critical but stable condition, with a dangerously high fever.

17 people w/whom he had been in contact with, including 6 children, have been put in quarantine. The health authorities expect that a total of 19,000 people will be vaccinated in order to prevent a full-scale outbreak. Already 6,192 of the region’s inhabitants have been immunised & about 15,000 vaccines will arrive over the next few days in Kosh-Agach.

Kosh-Agach is considered to be at high risk for plague outbreaks & marmot hunting is in fact banned bc the animal is known to carry the disease. However, this rule is widely ignored by inhabitants as they can make good money by selling the animal’s fur.

The ‘Black Death’
Plague is caused by zoonotic bacteria Yersinia Pestis, which is usually found in small animals & their fleas. There are 3 types of plague: bubonic plague, septicaemic plague & pneumonic plague − bubonic being the most common. Bubonic plague is characterised by high fever & other flu-like symptoms but most importantly by painful swollen lymph nodes or ‘buboes’.

In the 14th century, the bubonic plague was responsible for 1 of the worst global pandemics of all time. More than 50 million people died & it became known as the ‘Black Death’. While plague cases are now relatively rare around the world, the WHO still reported 783 cases worldwide, including 126 deaths in 2013. If left untreated, the disease is often fatal, with a case-fatality ratio of 30%-60%.

Despite the vaccines being dispatched to Siberia after the little boy’s contamination, the WHO does not recommend their wide-scale use during an outbreak, saying there is only limited evidence that they are effective against the plague. Quarantine measures & antibiotic treatments should however be implemented.

How the disease is transmitted
Plague can be transmitted to humans by flea bites. When people come near or in contact w/rodents that had been infected by plague, they risk being bitten by the fleas & contracting the disease.

Humans can also become infected when handling tissue or body fluids of a plague-infected animal, like was the case for this young boy. This form of exposure most commonly results in bubonic plague or septicemic plague.

The pneumonic form of the plague is often caused by spread to the lungs from advanced bubonic plague. A person may cough droplets containing the plague bacteria into air. If these droplets reach another person, he or she can become infected. Transmission of these droplets is the only way that plague can spread between people, such as during the Black Death in the Middle Ages or the Eyam plague in 1665.

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Article By: Christina Salvo

CORONA, Calif. (KABC) — A mosquito species capable of carrying dengue fever & yellow fever has been spotted in Riverside County. The discovery comes at a time as the county battles a rise in the # of West Nile virus carrying mosquitoes.

The new species capable of carrying the 2 dangerous diseases is not native to the area. The species has a different physical appearance & bites during the daytime, typically 2 hours after sunrise & 2 hours before sundown. It has already been discovered in 12 other California counties.

“This mosquito is also known as the yellow fever mosquito. It’s very capable at transmitting dengue fever. And for us as close as we are to our friends in the south, Mexico, dengue is endemic in parts of Mexico,” said Michelle Brown, Riverside Vector ecologist.

Severe cases of dengue fever can be life threatening & has no cure. Yellow fever does have a vaccine.

Vector Control officials say they are not aware of any local cases of people developing dengue fever or yellow fever. They have sprayed area neighborhoods for West Nile mosquitoes. This has been met w/pushback from some residents concerned about the safety of those chemicals.

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Health officials confirm first human case of West Nile virus in Merced County

Article By: Sun Star Staff

The 1st case of West Nile-related disease this year in Merced County was confirmed Monday morning by the county’s public health department. The patient, who was only described as an adult, was hospitalized, received care & is expected to recover, according to department officials.

Kathleen Grassi, director of the Merced County Department of Public Health, said the department learned about the case over the weekend. It was not clear if the patient contracted West Nile inside county limits bc the patient had a travel history, she said. Where the patient had traveled to remained unclear.

In July, a warning was issued for the city of Merced after mosquitoes trapped at Merced College tested positive for West Nile virus. At the time, the source was thought to be a swimming pool in a neighborhood near the college.

As of Friday, 245 human cases of West Nile virus have been reported this year in 28 counties in California, including 12 deaths, according to the state’s department of public health. In 2014, a total of 892 human cases, including 31 deaths, were reported to the state. In Merced County, 2 human cases of infection were reported last year & none in 2013.

“All residents, especially those over 50 years of age & those w/chronic health conditions, should take every precaution to protect themselves & their families from West Nile virus,” said Kathleen Grassi, director of the Merced County Department of Public Health. “There are simple steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes & contracting this disease.”

To prevent exposure to mosquito bites & West Nile virus:

▪ Apply insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR3535 according to label instructions. DEET can be used safely on infants & children age 2 months & older.

▪ Wear protective clothing & repellent if outside at dawn & dusk when mosquitoes are most active. Make sure doors & windows have tight-fitting screens to keep out mosquitoes. Repair or replace screens w/tears or holes.

▪ Eliminate or drain all sources of standing water where mosquitoes can lay eggs. Report neglected swimming pools to mosquito & vector control agencies.

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Plague Cases in U.S. on the Rise

Article By: Nicholas Bakalar

There have been 13 cases & 3 deaths from plague in the United States in the past 5 months, but researchers do not know why the disease appears to be on the rise. The # of plague cases in the United States usually averages about 3 a year. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention reported last week that the recent cases of plague have afflicted residents of Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, New Mexico, Oregon & Utah. 2 cases have been linked to exposure in or near Yosemite National Park.

While doctors say there is no need to panic, there are some practical precautions that outdoor adventurers should take, particularly if they are traveling in 1 of the affected states. Plague is usually spread by bites from rodents & the fleas that feed on them. Dr. Christina Nelson, a medical epidemiologist w/the C.D.C. & an author of the report, said using insect repellents & wearing long pants were practical ways to prevent explosure.

“If you do get a fever or lymph node swelling after being outdoors, make sure to see a health care provider & tell them where you’ve been,” she advises.

There are 3 types of plague: bubonic, which affects the lymph nodes; septicemic, a blood infection; & the most contagious form, pneumonic, which infects the lungs. There have been no pneumonic cases & no person-to-person transmissions.

There is no vaccine for plague, but it can be treated & cured w/antibiotics. Untreated, it is 66 – 93% fatal.

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Bubonic Plague on the Rise in the U.S.

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

Luke 21:11 & Pestilences in Various Places — Bubonic Plague
Yosemite California, 2 diagnosed, 1 in New York & now Michigan. So you know, there are mind baffling #s being diagnosed & subsequently dead, the ‘1’ here or ‘2’ there are bc it has been increasingly difficult to hide.

Ask me how many pestilences (we call them outbreaks) are currently plaguing the nation? Ask me & I will tell you. Or see a few here:
Uh huh, that many.

Here is a neat fact – The Black Death (Bubonic Plague) was 1 of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people & peaking in Europe in the years 1346–53. But not here? Bc we found a cure? Sorry no medicinal cure (we do however have treatment only offered to the insured, since the plague vaccine is no longer commercially available in the United States). Allow me to offer my treatment (bc I can’t cure the stubborn minded) –

Computational logic is the use of logic to perform or reason about computation. Computation is any type of calculation. I calculate that if a disease of which there is no cure (we’ll call this X) spread like wildfire, then disease X could still rapidly spread here to Y amount now, & since Y doesn’t have medical coverage…do the math. But only ONE was infected 😉

But we have water, Lysol disinfectant, hand germ cleaners & antibiotics? Well hang on to that thought Dorothy bc soon, this won’t be Kansas anymore.

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. – Revelation 18:8

That ONE infected person, probably has at least 500 friends on Facebook, otherwise they’d sweep that ONE under the rug just like the rest of em’.

The devil is crafty (Gen. 3:1) capable of deceiving the world (Rev. 12:9) including the elect (Mat. 24:24), & he’s paid off the media.

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Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

Luke 21:11 & Pestilences
Pestilence – any epidemic disease with a high death rate – aka an ‘outbreak’ as in…

* worst HIV ‘outbreak’ in Indiana grows & prompts national alert

* 7 dead in Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in New York…/new-york-legionnaires-disea…/index.html

* Meningococcal disease outbreak in Chicago

* Septicemic Plague Kills a Colorado Teen

* Child who visited Yosemite National Park comes down w/the plague

* Critters, climate & 2 plague deaths in Colorado

* 53 people in 9 states sickened after eating raw tuna

* Mother discovers a ‘strange creature’ staring at her from a can of tuna

Concerning the above ‘strange creature in tuna link’ the image file is supposed to be attached to the article but when you click on the image to view it, it reads ‘page does not exist’ — these cultist workers are removing them almost as fast as they happen. This incident has been published on various newsworthy sites — investigation to what the ‘creature’ is has followed suit & they will put your concerns to rest with a simple story.

Marshall McLuhan Helena Blavatsky, co-Mason & founder of Theosophy, was unusually candid when she once remarked, “What is 1 to do, when in order to rule men, it is necessary to deceive them?…For almost invariably the more simple, the more silly, & the more gross the phenomenon, the more likely it is to succeed.”

“Fish did not discover water”
In fact, bc they are completely immersed in it, they live unaware of its existence. Similarly, when a conduct is normalized by a dominant cultural environment, it becomes invisible. [W/this in mind] when you read 1 or 2 dead…think 10s of 1000s.

“All propaganda has to be popular & has to accommodate itself to comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.” Adolf Hitler

It is invariably a difficult thing to cover up an ‘epidemic’ — so they give you ‘half truths’ — tell you that there is in fact in epidemic — but don’t tell you how many are dead as a result.

A Tuna Story
* Man found cooked to death inside machine at California Bumblebee tuna canning factory (2012) []
* and the subsequent recall (2013) []

Don’t EVER settle w/what ‘they’ say. Connect the dots for yourself.

So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly. – Ecclesiastes 7:25

I have been following the ‘outbreaks’ closely. By the time the CDC publishes the 2014-2015 outbreak epidemics into a nice little ‘omission bundle’ for you, it will be too late. I warned you that this would happen last year; I even documented what has & will transpire.

The outbreaks will get worse, as I have warned you that it will & w/the water crisis…you won’t be able to wash off any of those nasty pathogens.

Per the CDC (they just won’t group them for you as neatly as I have) – Measles (Disneyland), Enterovirus, MERS, Listeria monocytogenes, West Nile (Long Beach), H5N1 Avian Influenza, Acute Flaccid Myelitis in U.S. Children, Mumps, Whooping Cough, Mysterious STD, Super-bug (UCLA), Lyme Disease, Chikungunya, Parasitic Bed Bugs, Mysterious Brain Illness Causes Terrifying Outbursts, HIV outbreak, mysterious drug resistant stomach bug, many of them are called ‘mystery disease’ – Doctors are looking for more information about a “polio-like syndrome” that has caused paralysis in a 100+ children in California, bubonic plague (yeah, you read right), etc. (there is an etc. by the way) despite our ‘medical achievements’ many, if not all, are incurable. (NOTE to the reader…there is an “etc” & worse, an “etc” worldwide, but I only need a few to make my point.)

And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. – Revelation 16:9

Repent – For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23

And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians. – 2 Chronicles 16:12

Your physicians won’t help you.

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. – Romans 10:9

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. – Psalm 91:4

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2nd Colorado Plague Death Reported

I have sent among you the pestilence after the manner of Egypt: your young men have I slain with the sword, and have taken away your horses; and I have made the stink of your camps to come up unto your nostrils: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD. – Amos 4:10

Article By: Gillian Mohney

A 2nd person has died of the plague this summer in Colorado & health officials are warning residents to take steps to guard against contracting the bacterial disease as the weather creates an opportunity for more cases to develop. Officials from the Pueblo City Council Health Department announced this week the unnamed patient died from to a suspected case of septicemic plague, which leads to a dangerous blood infection. About 7 people are diagnosed w/a form of the plague in the United States every year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

Dr. Chris Nevin-Woods, medical officer at the Pueblo City Council Health Department, said they’ve recently seen a rise in zoonotic diseases, or diseases spread by bugs or animals in the area.

“We’re seeing a lot of zoonotic diseases but plague is relatively rare,” she said. “Each case is very worrisome.”

The disease is caused by the Yersinia pestis bacteria & will incubate in a person between 2 to 6 days before they show symptoms. There are 3 kinds of plague: bubonic, which leads to swollen lymph nodes; septicemic, which leads to a blood infection; & pneumatic, which is when the bacteria settle in the blood & cause pneumonia.

Nevin-Woods explained that prairie dogs can become infected w/fleas that carry the virus &, eventually, those fleas can spread the disease to other animals or even people in the area.

“They’re everywhere & they have lots of fleas this year bc we have a cool & very wet summer,” she explained.

She said health officials are warning residents not to let their dogs or cats roam outside bc the animals can pick up the infected fleas & bring them in the house. Dogs can be especially problematic bc they can be asymptomatic & owners can have no idea the fleas they bring back are infected.

Dr. Frank Esper, infectious disease specialist at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, said about 80% of plague cases are bubonic, which is also the least dangerous form of the disease w/death from it extremely rare in the United States.

“The amount of human infections is quite low,” Esper said. “That’s not to say that plague itself is eradicated. It follows infections from rodents w/the fleas,” to pets in the home.

He explained in rare cases a bite from an infected flea will lead to an infection in the blood stream rather than in the lymph nodes. In that case, the septicemia form of the disease can occur, which can cause heart & lung failure as the immune system responds to the bacteria in the blood.

“If it goes to an artery or vein … It gets into the heart & spreads to other places of the body,” he said. “Thankfully, it doesn’t happen very often.”

Esper said the disease can be treated w/antibiotics but that the septicemic form of the disease can work quickly. A vaccine for the disease exists & is given to those who are likely to come in close contact w/the disease, such as scientists in a lab or animal-control workers.

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Girl Being Treated for Plague after Trip to Yosemite

Article By: Maggie Fox

 A Los Angeles girl is being treated for plague which experts think she may have caught in California’s Yosemite National Park.

The case is generating headlines, along w/2 deaths from plague in Colorado, but health officials say the public should not be alarmed. While plague is unusual in the U.S. an average of 7 cases are reported every year & people can die from it if they don’t get treated.

Colorado officials said Wednesday that an unidentified adult died from plague. A 16-year-old Colorado boy died from plague in June after he developed an unusual & hard-to-treat septicemic infection. 2 other Coloradans who caught plague this year were treated & recovered.

Just as in the Middle Ages, when plague swept across Europe & Asia, people catch the bacterial infection from fleas. Plague’s usually easily treated w/antibiotics if doctors diagnose it in time. There are 3 forms: bubonic plague, which affects the lymph glands; septicemic plague, a body-wide infection that can develop if early plague infection isn’t treated; & pneumonic plague, which is the only form that spreads from person to person.

Most people who catch it have handled or been near rodents. California officials say they’re posting extra signs cautioning people not to feed animals & to stay away from dead animals. The take-home message: don’t feed rodents, don’t touch dead rodents & keep your pet away from them.

“Although this is a rare disease, people should protect themselves from infection by avoiding any contact w/wild rodents,” state health officer Dr. Karen Smith said in a statement. “Never feed squirrels, chipmunks, or other rodents in picnic or campground areas, & never touch sick or dead rodents.”

Pets can carry plague, too. Last year, a pet dog in Colorado caught plague & doctors believe it infected at least 4 people. Colorado health officials say 3 cats have tested positive for plague this year, although they are not known to have infected any people.

Symptoms include a sudden fever, a severe headache, nausea & chills. It can feel like flu.

Rodents carry more dangerous diseases than plague. In 2012, 3 campers in Yosemite died in an outbreak of hantavirus, which has no specific treatment. It was tracked down to mice living in insulated tents.

Plague is a bigger problem globally than it is in the United States. The U.S. was free of plague until about 1900, when steamships brought infected rats across the ocean.

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