Ignorance is not bliss, it’s pain & death

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

* Dr. Oz promotes the RFID implant/injection on 9/26/2016:

* Australia embraces super-human microchip technology

I’ve recently learned that surprisingly a lot of people don’t know much about the Bible, let alone the prophesied mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation 13:16 -17. The Bible or Christ warned us that there will come a time whereupon if you do not have this “mark” you cannot buy or sell. Later we learn that this mark is of the Beast (The Devil’s Anti-Christ). We’ve been warned against taking this “cure-all, quick-fix”. Hell or high-water DO NOT accept this.

Hell or High water means just that, at all costs, even if it costs you your life here on earth, even if it means starving to death, do NOT accept this. It requires the willingness to accept (by whatever means ‘they,’ including those that you believe to be your friends, can get you to get it; being friendly or coercing you; using guilt, peer pressure, &/or anger) – but they need your approval/consent, even if it is a simple nod of acceptance.

I don’t know if you’ve seen much of my posts, but this earth & all that is in it is passing away. This is the Devil’s last hurrah in rebellion against our Creator. His last act of defiance to prove to our Creator that we’re just mere mortals, “simple humans,” & that it’s just that easy to turn us.

Our Creator never gave up on us & still has not! He sent His only Son to redeem us. God gave explicit commands by which the wages of sin is death. God is not mortal or human that He should change His mind or not make good on His word. He cannot go back on His word. Knowing this by His immeasurable & infinite love for us (though we are undeserving), He sent us His Son for the remission of our sins, to be the sacrificial lamb who knew no sin, as atonement.

And in Christ, in Him we are more than conquerors. But you have to hold fast to the faith. Eyes fixed on the prize; the prize being not a perishable crown, but an imperishable 1, this being life everlasting. As His Son our Lord & Redeemer gave up His life for us here on earth, we must be prepared to give up our own. Greater love has no 1 than this, than to lay down 1’s life for his friends. He is my friend. And bc of Him, though I die on earth, I will not die. The world will die before I ever know the sting of death. Death has no victory over me & this is only possible bc the Lamb gave up His life for me & paid the ultimate price for me…for you.

Don’t let the Devil outwit you w/his schemes. He tricked us once shame on him. But keep fooling us, the shame is on us.

Inquisitor says that this chip is a conspiracy “mark of the beast.” This is no conspiracy. I asked my heavenly Father to enrich me w/wisdom & that if I may be so bold, to detail me with specifics concerning this mark, so that we are not led to the slaughter. He answered and it is no longer a speculation for me, but a certainty.

The devil wants you to roll your eyes when you hear “conspiracy.” And for those that don’t know about “the mark of the beast” (shockingly many don’t), the devil wants to sell it as “the way,” then have his actors & actresses (these American Idols) endorse it. But I am here to tell you that though the Devil is invisible, his evil is real & his “the way” will only lead you too great pain & grief more than you could ever imagine. I’ve seen it w/my own eyes; again, it’s no longer speculation for me.

The Bible fills in the gaps. Take heed to what I tell you w/an intelligent ear, otherwise you will see what God has willed for those that reject the message of truth. Hold fast, stay the course, keep the faith, hell or high water. Catastrophe, displacement, hunger & thirst, then the devil mainstreams this fix.

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:12-14

View full post at: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/595486977297653

Canby man shows off RFID microchip implant

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

Response to Article “Posted: Feb 24, 2016 10:13 PM PST, By FOX 12 Staff”
* Economy is gradually taking a turn for the worst
* Water table around the world is dwindling away rapidly
* More pestilences
* More violence
* More fires
* More volcanic eruptions
* More comets, asteroids & meteors entering earth’s atmosphere
* More ambiguous alien life talk
* More strange noises
* More mysterious cloud formations
* More chem-trails they call contrails dumping yellow chemical on you, as evidence found on cars (yellow droplets – Rev 18:23; Isaiah 47:12).

The faith has dramatically declined or worse, it’s been COMPROMISED. The compromised believers say that we are saved by grace & NOT by works less you boast? Are you kidding me?! You’re itching ears heap your own teachers as you abandon sound doctrine.

These signs of the times, ALL THIS & you will still receive the mark come that time. The enemy taunts me knowing what I know, revealing what I know to you & still you will get the mark. Like the Staples store w/the Staples button, “That was easy.” You will likewise get stapled & every instance will be “that was easy.” This is why Christ gave us a warning –

And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. – Matthew 5:30

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads – Revelation 13:16

2:00 – 2:35 minutes into the video in the attached link: http://www.kptv.com/story/31309971/canby-man-shows-off-rfid-microchip-implant

Christ told Peter to bring a sword. The same Christ that told Peter to put away the sword bc if you live by the sword, then you die by it (Revelation 13:10 –he that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword), so why the contradiction? It was not intended for then, but for now. Christ –

Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. – Luke 22:36

Christ said this right before predicting Peter’s denial. Use this sword to cut off the hand that offends you! Believers will likewise deny Him bc they are fearful or don’t want to be excluded from the social norms. Don’t be a statistic bc it is worse getting this “biohack” stapled onto your bodies knowing all that you know! This video dated February of 2016 is the precursor. The precursor that is foreboding what is soon to take place.

And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. – Matthew 16:16

But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. (i.e. exclusion. Better you exclude yourself from them then they betray you unto death) – Luke 17:25

And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. – Matthew 10:21

Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee. Likewise also said all the disciples. – Matthew 26:35

And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee. Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew. And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly. – Matthew 26: 72-75

Peter denied Him, knowing what he knew, & came back stronger than ever as the rock.

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. – Matthew 16:18-19

Likewise, through Christ I will bind on earth…I will have a basket full of right hands before I see you condemned to hell!

Yet now, if You will forgive their sin—but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written.” And the Lord said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book. – Exodus 32:32

Come hell or high water, come thirst or starvation – Finish this race; keep the faith.

If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up. – Daniel 3:17-18

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? – Esther 4:14

I know what I know as facts. I have seen what hasn’t yet happen, already happen.

View full article at: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/500900880089597

All European Newborn Babies Will Be Microchipped from December 2016

Article By: Vlad Dmitrievich

On December 2016, through Europe newborn children will be compelled to take in a subcutaneous RFID chip.

Public clinics in the European Union are to be alerted. The chip in inquiry will be contributed w/the report sheet on the newborn. This chip will also be an impressive GPS sensor that will task with a micro-disposable battery every 2 years in state clinics. GPS chip grants an edge of error of 5 meters, as a statement that it is excellent.

It will be linked straight to a satellite, which will guide the networks. As forecasted, this chip will be essential for all kids born after May 2014, but with a present confirmation date until May 2020.

View full article at: http://topinfopost.com/2014/01/22/all-european-newborn-babies-will-be-microchipped-from-may-2014

Where We’re Heading: Subsequent “Breaches & Fraud” + ‘EMV’ Chip Technology

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

Subsequent “breaches & fraud” + ‘EMV’ chip technology will be the norm. Been to ANY store lately? New computers (Toshiba usually) have new card readers that officially accept CHIP technology. (If you can’t see the difference, ask the teller/cashier about “new readers.”)

If you haven’t noticed the MASSIVE overhaul, read the following before you shop again, so you can realize this for yourself. It may seem like the next logical step to prevent fraud…but eventually & inevitably the truest way to prevent fraud will be as noted in Revelation:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads – Revelation 13:16

India already possesses this technology & has successfully implanted people. As of 2014 US-India Defense Trade & Technology Initiative (DTTI) has been established. To reiterate, “Trade & Technology” as we will possess this technology & it will be “the next level of fraud prevention.” I converted the PDF explaining this issue to JPEG so you can see the biochip tech for yourself here: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/370690319777321

“Whether on a chip card or other form factors such as” – the mark. These are excerpts from the aforementioned links:
Canada – Canada’s transition to EMV chip & PIN, following the European example & leading the way for other markets. Whether on a chip card, or other form factors such as a mobile phone, chip technology offers an innovative barrier to counterfeit fraud.

USA – Following security breaches at Target as well as other retail chains, it has been announced that the more secure chip & pin technology in credit cards will be issued.
Indeed with the United States being the last major market not using the number and microchip based system, Target CFO John Mulligan said the company is accelerating its own $100 million program to replace their cards with the European alternative in order to stop massive fraud which have become prevalent across the 50 states.

October 2015: The End of the Swipe-and-Sign Credit Card

Visa and MasterCard Set Deadline for Chip and PIN Credit Cards

Bill Gates Says the Government Needs to Be Able to ‘See’ Digital Currency Transactions

Some w/in the government, in particular, have worried such transactions could help support terrorists (officially known as extremists) financially. “Governments for most transactions will want attributions,” Gates said. “The idea of a system where you can’t see, ‘Is that drug money?’ ‘Is that terrorist money?’ ‘Should that be taxed?’ You’re going to have some tension between the attributed systems like credit cards & debit card systems where there’s actually a record of who’s engaging & the purely anonymous 1s…The 1 I see getting us to critical mass along w/the government regulatory support we need is where it’s attributed, where we can see who actually did this transaction,” Gates said.

See Matthew 24:9 – you will be hated & persecuted & they will call you an “extremist.” Be warned. Be ready.

View full post at: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/371888706324149

The Mark of the Beast (Part 2)

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads – Revelation 13:16

Replacing E-Passport using BIO-CHIP w/Unique identification (ADHAAR ID) [See 1 of 2 – https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/370678953111791%5D:

The main aim is to replace the current travel document (i.e. passport) using bio-chip technology which is provided w/unique ID (Adhaar ID). To combat international crime & protect against forgery, countries around the world need to use a biochip which consists of the complete personal information of a person that is provided w/the Adhaar ID. Note that the term “AADHAR” refers to a software program for verification of beneficiaries under special assistance programme.

Dr. K., Srinivasu Ravi, Seema Kalangi, Veeraiah Maddu/International Journal of Engineering Research & Application (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622, http://www.ijera.com

Defense Trade & Technology Initiative (DTTI) US-Indian defense trade & technology initiative gathers pace

How long before this tech paces itself to us given this new bilateral tech trade initiative? The “the main aim” is noted in the following:

Rfid driver license: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/360580444121642

New Licenses required?: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/360580387454981

Breaches: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/319218781591142

Health insurance mandate: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/370043846508635

I have to add, “Obama on immigration” for us, is like India launching a program to ID 1.2 billion citizens. Undocumented immigrants were the only people in America w/out identification or whom were “undocumented.” Undocumented immigrants can officially receive a driver’s license under the new law, Assembly Bill 60 as of 2015 – “Why search for them, when you can make them come to you?”

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. – Revelation 13:16

View full post at: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50

India’s Aadhaar ID: You wouldn’t believe me unless I showed you.

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

Aadhaar is a 12 digit individual identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India on behalf of the Government of India: http://www.uidai.gov.in/ (Government website)

In 2009, India launched a project to ID 1.2 Billion People: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704652104575493490951809322

India is poised to create a massive database that will result in an identity card being issued to all individuals accepted as citizens.

India ranks 8th among 27 most powerful nations in the world:

India replaces ADHAAR I.D. card with biochip/RFID implant Technology-

New US-Indian bilateral Defense Trade and Technology Initiative (DTTI)

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads – Revelation 13:16

View full post at: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/370678953111791

Tool & The Mark (of the Beast): Defense Trade & Technology Initiative (DTTI)

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

As of 2014, the United States of America has partnered w/India & has officiated a Defense Trade & Technology initiative. India currently possesses the technology that can, is, & will embed people with a chip. This is not a conspiracy, & to quench your thirst for truth I have attached actual documentation of this new technology as I have also supplied you w/the new initiative so that you can deduce for yourself.

——————Below is in excerpt from the attached documentation —————-
Replacing E-Passport using BIO-CHIP w/Unique identification (ADHAAR ID)
(See 1 of 2: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/370678953111791)
The main aim is to replace the travel document (passport) using a bio-chip which is provided w/unique id (adhaar id). To combat international crime & protect against forgery, countries around the world need to use biochip which consists of complete information of a person that is provided w/adhaar id. “AADHAR” is a software for verification of beneficiaries under special assistance programme.

Dr. K., Srinivasu Ravi, Seema Kalangi, Veeraiah Maddu/International Journal of Engineering Research & Application (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 http://www.ijera.com/
——————End Excerpt——————

Defense Trade & Technology Initiative (DTTI) US-Indian defense trade & technology initiative gathers pace:

How long before this tech paces itself to us given this new bilateral tech trade initiative? Note “the main aim:”
(1) RFID (Chip) Driver’s License: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/360580444121642
(2) New Licenses required? https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/360580387454981
(3) Breaches: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/319218781591142
(4) Health Insurance Mandate: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/370043846508635

I have to add, “Obama on immigration” for us, is like India launching a program to I.D. 1.2 billion citizens. Undocumented immigrants were the only people in America w/out identification or were “undocumented.” Undocumented immigrants can officially receive a driver’s license under the new law, Assembly Bill 60 as of 2015 “Why search for them, when you can make them come to you.”

View full post at: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/370690319777321

October 2015: The End of the Swipe-and-Sign Credit Card

Article By: Tom Gara

It’s a payment ritual as familiar as handing over a $20 bill, & it’s soon to go extinct: prepare to say farewell to the swipe-&-sign of a credit card transaction. Beginning later next year, you will stop swiping the credit card. Instead, you will insert your card into a slot, just like people do in much of the rest of the world, where the machine will read a microchip, not a magnetic stripe. You’ll still be signing for the time being, but the new system also enables the use of PIN numbers, if card issuers decide to add them to their cards.

The U.S. is the last major market to still use the old-fashioned swipe-&-sign system, & it’s a big reason why almost half the world’s credit card fraud happens in America, despite the country being home to about a quarter of all credit card transactions. The recent large-scale theft of credit card data from retailers including Target & Neiman Marcus brought the issue more mainstream attention, leading to a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this week. Executives told the senators that once the country transitions to the new system – which includes credit cards embedded w/a microchip containing security data – these kind of hacking attacks will be much more difficult to pull off.

The shift is coming though: both MasterCard MA +1.78%Visa V +0.26% have roadmaps for the changeover, & both have set October, 2015 as an important deadline in the switch. But why has it taken this long, & how will the changeover work for card users & businesses? We spoke w/MasterCard’s Carolyn Balfany, the company’s expert on all things related to the new payment system, known as EMV, that will lead to the end of the swipe-&-sign &the beginning of the chip-&-PIN. Here’s what she had to say:

Much of the rest of the world switched to chip and PIN cards years ago. Why has it taken the U.S. so much longer?
There’s a historical view to this. In the past, other markets migrated for 2 reasons. 1st, there were higher fraud rates in some other markets, & they wanted to make this move to combat fraud. 2nd, this system can operate in offline mode – the card & the terminal can authorize a transaction independent of communication w/the bank’s systems. In some other markets they struggled w/robust telephony networks, so this offline capacity was attractive. Both those factors were not driving factors here in America. Fraud was more prominent in some other markets, but what has happened since then is that as other markets migrated to EMV & became more secure, fraudsters migrated their activity to markets w/less security. We saw fraudsters move over to the US market – they are looking for the path of least resistance.

There were also some more specific challenges to US migration to the new system. Bc the US is 1 of the largest & most complex markets, the business cases for the costs had to be established. And there were requirements of the Durbin amendment, mandating all us debit transactions are able to go across at least 2 networks, which took some time for the industry to sort out.

It seems now like there is agreement on the switch. So when will the changeover happen?
For Mastercard, now is the time, & we’ve been very consistent on that message for years. We introduced our roadmap for migration in 2012, & that roadmap says that for face-to-face transactions, where a consumer uses their card at a merchant’s location, the liability shift will happen in October, 2015.

The “liability shift” is a big moment in the changeover. Can you explain what it means?
Part of the October 2015 deadline in our roadmap is what’s known as the ‘liability shift.’ Whenever card fraud happens, we need to determine who is liable for the costs. When the liability shift happens, what will change is that if there is an incidence of card fraud, whichever party has the lesser technology will bear the liability. So if a merchant is still using the old system, they can still run a transaction w/a swipe & a signature. But they will be liable for any fraudulent transactions if the customer has a chip card. And the same goes the other way – if the merchant has a new terminal, but the bank hasn’t issued a chip & PIN card to the customer, the bank would be liable. The key point of a liability shift is not actually to shift liability around the market. It’s to create co-ordination in the market, so you have issuers & merchants investing in the migration at the same time. This way, we’re not shifting fraud around w/in the system; we’re driving fraud out of the system.

How will the change over to the new system actually happen?
1  important thing to know is that it’s not as if everybody just got to the starting line just now, there has been a lot of work on this that has already happened. For merchants, the terminals in many cases are readily available or already there, they already have the equipment ready to handle the new cards. Banks who issue cards in many cases already can issue cards w/the chip, & they have been issuing them to customers who travel overseas. U.S. consumers are already pretty aware of the chip & PIN system, bc most of the rest of the world has already migrated. And we would expect in the wake of these latest breaches & the media coverage that awareness is now even higher. And as banks issue consumers their new cards, they will get information explaining the system & all the benefits, & obviously how to use it.

Aside from the security of the system, are there any other benefits for consumers?
1 thing to remember is this migration really isn’t about a single device or technology, it’s about establishing a technological platform for the next generation of payments. So the EMV standard that we are moving toward isn’t limited to chip & PIN cards, it also includes things like contactless payments, where you can tap the card against the reader, all w/the same level of security.

Card issuers will probably always issue a card, but in this system an  account can be resident in multiple places – so you can have the card, but also maybe a tag affixed to your phone for mobile payments, or a fob on your key ring. There are lots of different use cases & it depends on the venue, & the devices & what interaction method makes the most sense. In a transit location, contactless interfaces make a lot of sense. We’ll continue to see interactions broaden & evolve as this migration happens.

Corrections & Amplifications: The new EMV credit card system the U.S. is set to migrate to by October, 2015 will use microchip-enabled credit cards, but still allows customers to sign for their payments. Banks can choose to issue cards that require a PIN number instead of a signature, but the switch to PINs will not be required in October 2015 as reported in an earlier version of this article.

View full article at: http://blogs.wsj.com/corporate-intelligence/2014/02/06/october-2015-the-end-of-the-swipe-and-sign-credit-card/

Currency Processing & Destruction: All Your Eggs In One Basket

Post By: Albert Mascheroni

Uncurrent currency is destroyed subsequent new currency. You should know that Coin-operated slot machines have mostly been phased out of American casinos in the past several years. Now, you are required to show ID whenever you redeem the points on your Vegas player’s card. The casinos want to ensure that no 1 else is using your card. Translation = winnings are now deposited into a card connected to your identity (i.e. no access to hard currency).
You should know that as of this year California has legalized “funny money” or digital currency “bit-coin.”

You should know that other countries have legalized this funny money worldwide as well. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_Bitcoin_by_country]
You should know that Ecuador has heralded a digital economy (formerly the American Dollar) & other nations will follow suit.
You should know that Egypt has issued cards w/implanted “smart chips” or RFID Chips (leads to huamn GPS) into food cards for its public.
You should know that subsequent to a plethora of breaches, the Government has implanted “smart chips/RFID” in our bank cards, which coincidentally the FDA has already deemed these chips implantable into the human body.
For more information regarding 2014-2015 security breaches, please go to the following link: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50/posts/319218781591142
You should know that wherever you shop there are “new card readers” (don’t believe me, just ask) to coincide w/new laws.
You should know that “since the bailout,” the government has officiated control over all banks (e.g. Glass Steagall Act, also implemented right before The Great Depression); Too Big To Fail-Obama Administration are some examples.
You should know that immigrants (formerly untraceable for lack of documentation) as of this year can now obtain drivers licenses (thereby making them officially traceable) per Obama Administration. Obama care is also subterfuge as licenses are to immigrants.
Gradual implementation of a unified “mark” under the guise of offering citizens identity fraud protection.

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. – Revelation 13:17

FACT: Section 31 U.S.C. 5103, United States coins & currency (including Federal reserve notes & circulating notes of Federal reserve banks & national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes & dues. Before they can fully transition to the “new form of payment that secures your identity” (i.e. The mark of the beast), they have to destroy all hard currency & stop circulation. However, until then, your currency per Section 31 U.S.C. 5103 is legal tender until it is phased out.

What am I saying? Do not keep all your legal tender in 1 basket. Typo* All your eggs in 1 bank. Typo* All your eggs in 1 basket. Personally, I prefer the smaller eggs that require lesser change. “Keep the change.” $1, $5, $10, $20 & $100 denomination bills will be just as uncommon as the $2 bill.

View full post at: https://www.facebook.com/al.masch.50